Joyful movement for health, fitness and wellbeing. 

Hi, I’m Sophie

I’m passionate about inspiring you to feel vibrantly alive and truly at home in your body. If you’re like many women, finding time for physical activity can be challenging, and you might feel like you’ve lost that joyful spark.

That’s where Nia comes in—a gentle dance-fitness class designed to reignite your joy and well-being. Nia’s barefoot approach is easy on your joints while building strength, boosting your mood, increasing your energy, and helping you reconnect with yourself.

Regardless of your age or stage of life, Nia meets you where you are and supports your fitness and wellness goals. With over 20 years of experience, I’ve guided hundreds of women in rediscovering their senses and embracing each day with renewed pleasure, confidence, and zest for life.

“This exercise style delivers real body benefits – cardiovascular fitness, balance, strength, and agility – but you could practise Nia just for the sheer joy of it.” Liz Cantor, TV Presenter


Nia is a holistic practice that blends elements of dance, martial arts, and mindfulness to enhance overall wellness. It invites you to move every part of your body to a diverse range of music—naturally, at your own pace, and in your own way.

More than just an exercise class, Nia is a journey of self-discovery that evolves with you. It connects mind, body, and spirit, infusing your life with joy and vitality. Through Nia, you learn to tune into your body’s wisdom and express your unique gifts.

Nia is stress-busting fun! It’s low-impact and inclusive. It’s supportive, encouraging and healing. It’s about being yourself and being part of a kind community.

Nia isn’t a rigid set of exercises. It’s not about remembering steps, keeping up or ‘getting it right’. It’s not for any one age group. Nia doesn’t ask your body to do anything that doesn’t feel good.

“With joy and self-expression at its heart, the dance practice of Nia will revitalise your outlook on yoga and life.” ~ Australian Yoga Journal


Sophie makes moving to feel better both easy and enjoyable. With clarity, compassion, and contagious enthusiasm, she guides you through holistic, evidence-based practices that ground your body and uplift your spirit. As an antidote to the demands of modern life, Nia with Sophie helps you experience everything around you in a deeper, more meaningful way.

In Brisbane? Join our friendly community at Paddington’s BrisWest Centre. The atmosphere is relaxed, playful, and welcoming, with free parking available on side streets or at Paddington Central.

No matter where you are, you can connect with Sophie’s online classes. Participate live and dance freely with your camera on or off, or fit it into your schedule with access to recorded replays.

CONTACT SOPHIE for mindfulness classes, individual coaching, professional development sessions, or specialised classes for vulnerable and community groups.

Sophie Marsh is the only Nia Faculty Trainer and the most experienced Nia and Nia 5 Stages teacher in Australia. She is dedicated to helping women develop a more intuitive and responsive relationship with their bodies, fostering deeper self-awareness, personal wellness, and a profound sense of embodied presence.

Nia Ist Degree Black Belt teacher + White Belt Trainer

Nia Australia community association co-founder

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Mindful Leader

Trauma sensitive mindfulness and movement practitioner

I have danced with Sophie each week for the past 12 years. As a GP, I know just how hard it can be to keep active when our workdays are sedentary or dominated by computer use. Nia with Sophie brings me soulful movement. We dance together just for the joy of it. Nia brings me mind-body-spirit connection and self-expression. Nia brings me friendship and community. I am so grateful to have Nia in my life!

Pam Douglas

GP, Researcher, Author

From the moment I entered the sacred space of Nia over 10 years ago led by Sophie, I knew I had found a special place where movement, music and the spaces in between aligned. Grateful to Sophie for the creative, joyful and passionate energies she brings to the practice of Nia which she exudes each time I enter this space.

Jeanette Kennelly

Music Therapist at Inspiravision

Sophie holds a sacred space where I come alive and truly be myself, fully expressed!
Even though my body gets a fitness workout her classes feel more like energy medicine meets dance party. I’m addicted for life.
Maria Golding

Intuitive Motherhood + Mental Health professional

At my first Nia class I was in awe of Sophie’s expertise in crafting a wide range of safe and personal (your body’s way) patterns of movement to create a fun and full body class. Sophie’s experience and skill as a teacher of Nia, her professionalism, and her dedication to her Nia community is outstanding. That’s why 7 years on, I’m still attending her online and in person classes, and loving it!

Kirsti Doessel


Sophie Marsh © 2022 • Web Design Seedhead